KiWIS Example

Accessing KiWIS data

This example demonstrates how to access and plot time series data from KiWIS using Python.

from datetime import datetime

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from kisters.water.time_series.kiwis import KiWISStore

# Initialize KiWISStore object with url to location
kiwis = KiWISStore("")

# Get time series list by path filter
ts_list = kiwis.get_by_filter("123/*/Precip/MMonth.Total")

# Get time series by path
ts = kiwis.get_by_path("DWD/07367/Precip/CmdTotal.1h")

# We can access timeseries metadata as a dict using the metadata attribute
ts_metadata_dict = ts.metadata
# ts_metadata_dict looks like this:
# {
#     "from": datetime.datetime(
#         2007, 12, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600)
#     ),
#     "to": datetime.datetime(
#         2018, 7, 16, 23, 0, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600)
#     ),
#     "tsPath": "DWD/07367/Precip/CmdTotal.1h",
#     "shortName": "CmdTotal.1h",
#     "id": 7411042,
#     "name": "0 Stundenwerte",
#     "dataCoverageFrom": datetime.datetime(
#         2007, 12, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600)
#     ),
#     "dataCoverageUntil": datetime.datetime(
#         2018, 7, 16, 23, 0, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600)
#     ),
# }

# Access the time series data in the form of pandas DataFrame
df = ts.read_data_frame(datetime(2017, 1, 1), ts.coverage_until)

# Plot the data
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
df["Value"].plot(, figsize=(15, 5))
df["Value"].resample("D").sum().plot(label="Daily sum", figsize=(15, 5))

(Source code)

Writing data to KiWIS

Currently KiWIS doesn’t allow to write data into or create time series. However, you can use the File Store module to save your data locally.

For example, this code snippet continues from the example above and writes the time series variable ts to a ZRX file using the ZRXPFormat.

from kisters.water.time_series.file_io import ZRXPFormat
writer = ZRXPFormat().writer()
writer.write('my_time_series.zrx', [ts])