Time Series Store

TimeSeriesStore provides access to time series data from different backends. All TimeSeriesStore implementations provide this methods, to see details on a concrete Store usage go to Stores Backends

class kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series_store.TimeSeriesStore

Bases: abc.ABC

create_time_series(path: str, display_name: str, attributes: Mapping = None, params: Mapping[str, Any] = None) → kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries

Create an empty time series.

  • path – The time series path.
  • display_name – The time series name to display.
  • attributes – The metadata of the time series.
  • params – The additional parameters, which are passed to the backend.
create_time_series_from(copy_from: kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries, **kwargs) → kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries

Create a time series as a copy from another existing time series e.g. from another system. This function only copies meta data and only if the underlaying backend supports it.

Parameters:copy_from – The time series object to be copied.
get_by_filter(ts_filter: str, params: Mapping[str, Any] = None) → Iterable[kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries]

Get the time series list by filter.

  • ts_filter – time series path or filter.
  • params – the additional parameters, which are passed to the backend.

The list of the found TimeSeries objects.


get_by_id(ts_id: Union[int, str, Iterable[int], Iterable[str]], params: Mapping[str, Any] = None) → Union[kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries, Iterable[kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries]]

Get the time series by id.

  • ts_id – List of ids or single id.
  • params – The additional parameters, which are passed to the backend.

The time series or a list of time series if ts_id is a list.


store.get_by_id([4711, 4712])
get_by_path(path: str, params: Mapping[str, Any] = None) → kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries

Get the time series by path.

  • path – The full qualified time series path.
  • params – The additional parameters, which are passed to the backend.

The TimeSeries object.


get_entity(entity_path: str = None, entity_id: int = None, **kwargs) → kisters.water.time_series.core.entity.Entity

Retrieve a single Entity from the backend.

Basic implementation is given based on get_entity_list, but it is recommended to overwrite this method based on the backend specifications. :param entity_path: The entity path. :param entity_id: The entity id. :param **kwargs: Additional arguments dependent on the backend.

Returns:The matching Entity.
get_entity_list(entity_filter: str = None, entities_id: Iterable[int] = None, **kwargs) → Iterable[kisters.water.time_series.core.entity.Entity]

Retrieve a list of entities from the backend.

The behaviour depends totally on the backend implementation, this should decide if both entity_filter and entities_id arguments can be given and how they behave if both are given. As a rule of thumb if both arguments are given a double filter should be applied. :param entity_filter: The entity filter. :param entities_id: A list of entities id. :param **kwargs: Additional arguments dependent on the backend.

Returns:The list of Entity objects.
read_data_frames(ts_list: Iterable[kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries], start: Union[str, datetime.datetime] = None, end: Union[str, datetime.datetime] = None, params: Mapping = None, t0: datetime.datetime = None, dispatch_info: str = None, member: str = None) → Mapping[kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Read multiple time series as data frames.

Note: TimeSeriesStore provides a default unoptimized implementation. Override this method if your store can provide a more efficient bulk read method.

write_data_frames(ts_list: Iterable[kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries], data_frames: Iterable[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], start: Union[datetime.datetime, Iterable] = None, end: Union[datetime.datetime, Iterable] = None, t0: Union[datetime.datetime, Iterable] = None, dispatch_info: Iterable = None, member: Iterable = None)

Write multiple data frames to time series

Note: Override this method if your store can provide a better implementation to bulk write data frames.

write_time_series(ts: kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries, start: datetime.datetime = None, end: datetime.datetime = None, auto_create: bool = False) → kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries

Write a single time series to the time series back end for the given time range.

  • ts – The time series to write.
  • start – The starting date from which data will be written.
  • end – The ending date until which data will be written.
  • auto_create – Create the time series if not exists in the back end.


ts = store1.get_by_id(47122)
write_time_series_list(ts_list: Iterable[kisters.water.time_series.core.time_series.TimeSeries], start: datetime.datetime = None, end: datetime.datetime = None, auto_create: bool = False)

Write a time series list to the back end for the given time range.

  • ts_list – The time series list.
  • start – The starting date from which data will be written.
  • end – The ending date until which data will be written.
  • auto_create – Create the time series if not exists in the back end.


ts_list = store1.get_by_filter('W7AgentTest/2000*')
store2.write_time_series_list(ts_list, datetime(2001, 1, 1), datetime(2002, 1, 1))